I went to William for minor mechanical issues, but…

“I went to William for minor mechanical issues, but found out there was so much more to healing than I thought.  An appointment with William is a compressed vacation that brings me back to sanity, renewed energy and noticeable physical relief from aches and strains.  William seems to have a unique approach as well as a background and a wealth of knowledge of the human body and condition. Before William told me about how he works, I felt that he was a direct channel to something much bigger, dare I say God?! It doesn’t take much longer than a few moments to be connected a blissful, peaceful state of well-being that lasts much longer than the hour on the table.   It even works at a distance, as I found out this summer when I was in the East Coast. I think William is a healer’s healer.  His commitment to his practice permeates his life’s work with profound integrity and feels like a true calling.  I feel blessed to receive his gifts.” – BIBI R.